Peptide APIs
Bioactive inhibitors
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Ordering information
How to order:
Orders can be placed by phone, fax, e-mail and letter. To prevent duplication of orders all confirming orders should be precised as such.
Please send orders to any of contact ways:
Tel: +86-512-58900862
Contact person:Ms.Li Ping
If you find a product you need, please contact us by e-mail , phone or fax. We will promptly evaluate your request.
Payment Method:
Purchase Order, Visa/Discover/Mastercard/AMEX, Wire Transfer.
Terms of sale
Orders shall be sent in writing to one of our sales offices. Each order must contain article number, product name, shipping address, billing address, contact name and a phone number. Any order is only valid after we send a written order confirmation containing the applicable charges for shipping and packaging which the customer will have to pay for. Once an order has been confirmed by us, any changes require our approval. Orders can only be cancelled within 48 hours after receipt of order confirmation (i.e. Alabiochem must receive the information that the order is to be cancelled within that time), after that they become firm orders.
Stock Information
Please note that not all products are available prompt from stock. In some cases, the delivery time will be clarified internally. You will be informed about the lead time within a few days upon receipt of your order.
All prices listed in our catalogue, price lists or on our homepage are understood to be net prices, excluding VAT and any charges for shipping and packaging and are not binding. The only binding prices are those contained in our order confirmation. On request, many of our Products can be offered at lower prices if ordered in bulk.
Special packaging requirements have to be paid by the customer. The agreed upon delivery dates are approximate delivery dates and refer to the date on which goods are shipped from Zhang Jia gang. If the delivery deadline is not met, the customer must give a reasonable extension. We are entitled to do part-shipments at any time.
Terms of Payment
Invoices are payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice, the invoice total is net without any deductions. On any late payments we are entitled to charge an interest rate of 1.0% per month as of due date. As long as there is a backlog of payments we do not need to deliver goods to the client in question. Products delivered remain property of Alpha Biopharma, until fully paid (retention of title).
We guarantee the purity of our products according to the declaration on our product specification.